Multifunctional ginning machine


Problem that technology is supposed to solve :

- Décorticatge manuel

- Durée du decorticage  

Technical characteristics of the technology :

Two types of multifunctional mechanical shellers were developed, including a mobile and stationary sheller, capable of shelling one (01) to one point five (1.5) tons of undesired maize cobs per hour with a shattering rate ranging from 0.05 to 1 percent. Depending on the variety, the sheller is also capable of shelling 200 to 600 kg of beans per hour or 250 to 450 kg of soybeans per hour with almost no shattering, i.e. 0.05 to 1 percent. It should be noted that this machine consumes only one (01) liter of gasoline per hour of operation.

Economic characteristics of the technology

- Acquisition cost :

- Economic profitability :

- Comparative advantage :

Compared to the traditional method of shelling maize, beans, voandzou and soya beans, the machine invented with the help of PPAAO-Togo facilitates the post-harvest processing of these cereals, makes the work less arduous and allows producers to free up time for other activities.

Limits of the technology :


Technical sheet