Sorghum cultivation in the valley (Sorghum bicolor): Variety Sepon 82


Problem that technology is supposed to solve :

- To improve Niger's agricultural production by increasing from one cereal harvest per year to three harvests, including two in the middle of the dry season.

- Significantly increase the income of producers

- Charting new paths and solutions to food insecurity

- Mitigating the effects of food crises, thus combating famine in Niger

Technical characteristics of the technology :

- Field of application: cultivation of Sorghum SEPON 82 (ICRISAT/INDE) in the Preferential Growing Area (rainfall in mm) 400 to 700

- Sowing-maturity cycle Intermediate 85-95 d

- Grain yield (in T/ha) 2.5-4 T/ha in station0.5-2.5 T/ha in farming area

- Hulling yield 64%.

- Resistance to enemies Slightly susceptible to elongated charcoal; susceptible to grain moulds and ear bugs.

- Weight of 1,000 grains (g) 12-20

- Plant size (m) 1,5-1,7

- Compact Panicles

- Elliptical and semi-compact shape

- Length (cm) 25

- Width (cm) 7

- Creamy white grain

- Good fodder quality, high yield; and very good in terms of animal feed quality

- Possibility of 2 harvests during the dry season from October to May.

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Economic characteristics of the technology

- Acquisition cost :

- Economic profitability :

- Comparative advantage :

Limits of the technology :


Technical sheet