15 technologies
Local produced Clupeid...
Local production of good quality fish flour at low cost
Development of above...
Fish production by breeding technical in above ground bins
Solar drying tent
National Center of Specialization on Aquaculture
Extension of oreochromis...
emprovemented production of mono-sex fry
Fish breeding in...
Emprovement of fish production with breeding device in floating cage
Clarias aguillaris...
Increase of growth rates and producer income
Retail fish sale table...
Fish marketing with sales device against parasites
Packaging materials of...
Conservation of fish and derivatives by emprovemented packagings
Ice box for fish
Fish conservation by storage mechanism
Quick growth of fish fry
Contribution to best growth rate of fish
Local flour production...
Local flour production for fish at reduced cost
Local food production...
Local nutrients production for fish in sight bonus of aquaculture production
Plastic ponds for fish...
Improvement of fish production by water flow system
fish smokehouses
Reduce of post-harvest losses by fish conservation mechanism
All – male Tilapia...
Production of all male fingerlings with improved growth