19 technologies
Promotion of...
Poultry production by emprovemented breeding system
Onion storage and...
Emprovemented conservation of products with the help of storage device
Solar center of milk...
Transformation and valorization of products by peasant multi-services system
Thermostable vaccines
Emprovement of production by health monitoring for animals
Developed of...
Emprovemented food for breeding pigs
Products conservation by sun drying device
Emprovement of bovine production by artificial insemination system
Emprovemented production through emprovemented food for big and small ruminants
Mechanisation of peasan multiservices activities with forage shredder
Emprovemented bovine...
Increase of bovine local race production
Improvement of the...
Emprovemented production of local poultry by croosbreeding technical
Production unity of...
Emprovement of production by nutrients valorization for poultry
Breeding of red Maradi...
Increase livestock production by emprovemented breeding technical
poultry plucker
Mechanisation of plucking activities by effective device
Qualigrill oven for...
Cooking of local poultry with a energie economy device
Increase of traditional poultry production
Guinea fowl production :...
Emprovement of local poultry production with incubator
Sheep and goat fattening
Emprovement production with fattening breeding technical
Increased productivity and revenue