Packaging materials of fish composites


Problem that technology is supposed to solve :

- Materials packaging of composites had been developed from paper and polyethylene

- They are waterproof to humidity, to gas and steam ; they protect packed products against light, parasites infestation, dirt and dust. In addition, they reduce usual smell associate to smoke fish

Technical characteristics of the technology :

- Increase income by 25 %

- Reduce fish losses by 50 %

- Extends conservation duration of halieutic products

- Improvement marketable quality

- Eliminate infestation by pests and insects

- Potential to increase farmers profit by 40 %

- Able to keep fish quality during six months

- Can reduce to zero per cent fish losses associate paasites infestation; dirt and dust

Economic characteristics of the technology

- Acquisition cost :

- Economic profitability :

- Comparative advantage :

Limits of the technology :


Technical sheet