Upland rice varieties ROK 34 & NERICA 3, 4, 6, 15, 16, 18)


Problem that technology is supposed to solve :

- To enhance increase in production and productivity of upland rice farming in Sierra Leone.

- Improve the livelihood of resource poor farmers

Technical characteristics of the technology :

- High yielding and drought resistant

- Good cooking and eating quality

- Keeping quality

- Resistant to diseases (leaf scald, brown spot, leaf blast)

- ROK 16 is moderately resistant to bird damage

- All the NERICA varieties are early maturing (100-110 days)

Economic characteristics of the technology

- Acquisition cost :

The cost of acquisition is approximately $25000 – 35000

- Economic profitability :

- Increase farmers yields and productivity

- Increase farmers livelihood.

- Access to quality and improved seeds

- Comparative advantage :

The improved varieties generated are superior to the later varieties interm of high yielding, quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.

Limits of the technology :

- Lack of adequate funds to disseminate technologies generated to end users.

- Lack of funds to multiply improved technologies generated

- Lacks the necessary logistics required in the technology generation


Technical sheet