
Problem that technology is supposed to solve :

The dissemination of "Sembio" should significantly contribute to lifting the time and quality constraints posed by the traditional technique of composting in piles or pits. In addition, this objective will facilitate access to fertilizers that will be produced by the beneficiaries themselves. The sustainability of the production systems will thus be ensured. Another impact of the use of the biofertilizer proposed by the project is the improvement of the living conditions of the populations through the recycling of organic matter and thus, the cleaning of the environment.

Technical characteristics of the technology :

The " SEMBIO " composter has the particularity of being designed from recycled material such as the reused plastic barrel and the wood from the support. This process allows us to reduce the cost of making the composter. 
In addition to the barrel and the wood, we used other materials such as galvanized iron tubes, with two different diameters, sheets, screws with nuts and cheap closing hooks.

Economic characteristics of the technology

- Acquisition cost :

Cost of making: 45 800 CFA (including labor costs)

- Economic profitability :

- Maximum capacity: 190 kg 
- Coverage: 25 ares (recommended for market gardening)
- Annual production: 1.9 tons or about 8 cycles

- Comparative advantage :

The mobile composter "Sembio" was developed following a survey conducted in the Senegal Valley to determine the level of use of organic matter as an alternative to mineral fertilization. The use of the survey sheets showed that producers are aware of the negative effects caused by the increased use of chemical fertilizers.However, access to biofertilizers in quantity and quality remains a major constraint because of their market price. In addition, the production of compost by the classic heap method is tedious and time-consuming because of the turning but above all consumes a lot of water.
Therefore, the "Sembio" technology has been designed to facilitate the turning, accelerate the maturation process and reduce the increased amount of water used. In all, it will take 03 weeks.

Limits of the technology :

Le composteur est recommandé pour les exploitations maraîchères de taille mode. En effet, la quantité par cycle de production ne dépasse pas 200 kg, par conséquent, il couvrira qu’une surface très limitée équivalent à 25 ares. Ainsi, pour augmenter la quantité de biofertilisants produits, il est nécessaire de multiplier le nombre de composteurs à utiliser où alors de patienter jusqu’à produire autant de fois nécessaire pour la surface à couvrir.


Technical sheet