Corn variety Bag 97 TZE Composite 3 x 4


Problem that technology is supposed to solve :

It is tolerant to several pests and diseases in vegetative phase and in stock. This variety adapts to all production areas and tolerates drought.

Technical characteristics of the technology :

Bag 97 TZE Composite 3 x 4 is an open-pollinated short-cycle variety with white grains developed in Benin in 2008. This variety has grains of glassy texture and horny type.

Phytosanitary characteristics
Resistance to helminthosporiosis: Good 
Resistance to stripe: Good
Resistance to rust: Good 

Agronomic characteristics
Texture of the grain: Vitreous 
Type of grain: Horned 
Height of the plant : 160 cm     
Number of rows of grains: 14 
Number of grains per row: 34
Length of the ear: 15 cm 
Ear insertion height: 75 cm 
Sowing-maturity cycle: 90 days 
Drought tolerance: Good 
Resistance to breakage: Very good 
Sowing-flowering cycle: 50-55 days
Ear coverage: Good
Grain color: White

Economic characteristics of the technology

- Acquisition cost :

183,500 FCFA per hectare

- Economic profitability :

- Comparative advantage :

12,250 FCFA per hectare

Limits of the technology :


Technical sheet