Improvement of soil quality by applying compost


Problem that technology is supposed to solve :

Decrease in soil fertility; Cases of zoonoses linked to the direct use of manure on crops.

Technical characteristics of the technology :

Crop residues (of all kinds: chopped cereal stalks, legume tops, groundnut hulls, etc.) mixed with manure and ash or urea and left to decompose under cover and wetted regularly (every 2-3 days for 45-50 days); applied at a rate of 2-5 t/ha for sorghum, millet, groundnut and cowpea.

Economic characteristics of the technology

- Acquisition cost :

$10 for a 50kg bag.

- Economic profitability :

- Comparative advantage :

Recycling and valorization of crop residues; Rapid release of nutrients into the soil compared to burying non-decomposed residues; Activation of soil microflora and improvement of soil biological life; Low investment and simple manufacturing method.

Limits of the technology :


Technical sheet