Maize variety komsaya
Problem that technology is supposed to solve :
Food and feed insecurity of people and animals
Technical characteristics of the technology :
- Cycle: 85 days
- Yield: 8-9 T/ha
- Hybrid yellow variety with a very high yield potential of 8.5-12t/ha allowing to feed 42 adults for 12 months, i.e. about 4 families of 10 people and 8 cattle from one hectare, compared to 18 adults for ordinary varieties.
- The Komsaya variety, which means "no more hunger", is rich in protein (lysine and tryptophan) and Pro-vitamin.
- This variety is suitable for processing for human consumption (couscous, grits, flours...).
- The cobs are suitable for use in roasting maize.
Economic characteristics of the technology
- Acquisition cost :
- Economic profitability :
- Comparative advantage :
Limits of the technology :