55 technologies
Feeding of African giant...
Snail production by feeding with yam bean tubers
Rice varieties resistant to diseases and pests
Digital portal to inform the public about innovative and available technologies
Kuafo Marketplace
digital platform for trade between producers and buyers
Digital platform to host agricultural research data and results
CSIR-Institute for...
Mobile questions and answers application for agriculture stakeholders
Stem cutting propagation...
Production of improved potato varieties for better food security
Experimenting with the...
Increase of production with help to drip system
Yam variety : Adaka,...
Increase of production with help to emprovemented technic
Roots, tubers and...
Processing of roots, tubers and cereals into flour rich in nutrients
Processed and packaged...
Cooking food with help of plantain derivated products
Production of tubers resistant to parasites and adequate four flour processing
Emprovemented production of tubers into quality flour
CRI- Duade Kpakpa
Emprovemented processing of tubers into quality flour
Emprovemented production of tubers rich in nutrients
Emprovemented production of roots and tubers for healthy food
Emprovemented production of roots and tubers rich in nutrients
CRI-Gye Me di
Emprovemented production of tubers for processing into rich nutrients flour
Emprovemented production and processing of roots and tubers rich in nutrients
Emprovemented processing of tubers into flour and other quality food products
CRI-Amansan Bankye
Production of tubers resistant to parasites and adequate for flour processing
CRI- AGRA Bankye
Emprovemented production of tubers resistant to parasites and rich in nutrients
Production of tubers resistant to parasites and rich in nutrients
Mechanized harvest of...
Tubers harvest mechanisation
23 Solar technologies...
Reducing of tubers post harvest losses by emprovemented conservation technic
Roots and tubers...
Roots and tubers processing into flour and other food products
Cassava flour of high...
Tubers processing into high quality flour
Transformation and conservation of tubers into food and packaged